Portrait Workshop Coming Up ~

Mark this one down: Sunday September 21, from 2 pm to 8 pm

Once again hosted by our friends at Advance Camera, this will be pretty much an all-day affair, working inside the studio and outside exploring natural light. Sure, we'll get a little geeky talking about lights and meters and such (isn't that the fun part anyway?) but mostly we'll work with our beautiful model learning how to make rich, luscious portraits in a variety of styles. You'll learn techniques you never thought about before, and create images you never thought you could!

Like all of our workshops in the past, this is definitely a hands-on, bring-your-gear and let's get to work sort of event. And as such it's also limited to a fairly small group size to make sure everyone has  a chance to be involved and get the most out of it. We already have some people signed up, so make sure you contact Jordan Sleeth at Advance Camera to get the details and get registered. I'll be conducting this workshop in our studio in Beaverton, and we have beautiful nature trails and areas right outside the studio door for our trip outdoors. Contact me any time if you want to discuss more details or have questions, concerns or need directions; my contact info is on the right.

And then lets get ready to have some fun doing the very thing we're passionate about!